Sunday, May 23, 2010


While rummaging through my side table drawer, one that I have neglected for years, I rediscovered a box full of magazine cutouts that I intended to paste on poster board someday. I got the idea from Mary Kay Ash, of Mary Kay Cosmetics and my parents. While Mary Kay Ash suggested that building a vision board, could help one focus on goals, my parents simply reminded me that when you believe, you will receive. Of course I thought they were talking about Santa Clause, but as I look around my home, I realize that I am living with whom I want, where I want (sort of...), and in the home I visualized many years ago (sort of again). As I emptied that long-lost box of dreams, I realized that I was holding pieces of my physical surroundings. Upon this revelation, I toured my home just to make sure.

The guest room is lovely with memorabilia that belong to all that visit there. I have my own private gym, tile flooring, a garden tub, desert floral gardens, and a pool that sports a weird waterfall and cabana. I live where I can swim during the long summer, and I enjoy dinning outside most of the year. My yard sometimes resembles a desert retreat with blooming succulents and tropical plants. Doves, hummingbirds, and butterflies flutter about.
Plant shelves inside my home hold treasures of family lore and unique art pieces. I've learned about stain glass design and a few creations hang in windows that bend light into color. Soon I will learn more about ceramics so that I can build a table I see in my mind.

I teach, so time off during summer (sort of), allows that I have some flexibility with my schedule. I am a writer, soon to be published. Wow!

As I compare ideas and dreams of many years ago that literally surround me, I can't help but think about my most recent dreams. They lay on the music stand of my dad's Baby Grand in the corner of my living room adjacent to my favorite reading chair. As I review my dreams yet to come true, I can't wait to gaze out upon the majesty of Sedona from my breakfast table.

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